Supriti Singh


I remember wishing that life should never be boring…today as an Excellence Coach and Weight Management Specialist, have to say it definitely hasn’t been!

You know the old adage; be careful what you wish for.

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18 Years Of Experience As A Chef, Fitness Trainer And Nutritionist.

I started my career having specialized as a chef – food being one of my passions even today. I’ve had a long and chequered journey since graduating from IHM, Mumbai; one which travelled through food, dance, fitness, emotional wellness leading up to this point of me being a wellness entrepreneur. As a matter of fact, my journey to IHM was pretty interesting too.

Having passed my board exams with not-so-flying colours, my mom thought I should focus on a ‘career’, so she saw a ‘professional course’ as a good option. The choices available to me at the time were Office Management (I still don’t know what that is), Book Keeping (ewwww) and Food Preservation (Yay! Finally, a familiar word!).
I was always fond of food (more on that later) so I signed up. I didn’t register what preservation meant until I found out we had to report to college at 7am and make jam.

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Supriti Singh

I started my career having specialized as a chef – food being one of my passions even today. I’ve had a long and chequered journey since graduating from IHM, Mumbai; one which travelled through food, dance, fitness, emotional wellness leading up to this point of me being a wellness entrepreneur. As a matter of fact, my journey to IHM was pretty interesting too.
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Hormonal Balance

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Cooking Resources

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Mindset Coaching

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Jamie Hofstadter

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Annie Hofstadter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo luctus .

Happy Faces of Happy Students

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